Missing teeth are sometimes just a part of life, and they are nothing to be ashamed of. But if you are missing teeth, you’ve likely thought about the many different avenues out there for replacing your missing teeth. Maybe that’s why you’ve clicked on this article. 

Your smile is an important part of who you are, and can have a huge impact on your confidence. If it takes replacing missing teeth to feel confident, it may be worth it to take the leap. 

We’re here to help you get started on getting the next generation of teeth, for the next chapter of your life. Let’s take a look at the options out there for replacing your missing teeth.

What Are the Best Tooth Replacement Options?

There are many different tactics for tooth replacement, with new and innovative technologies popping up all the time. But at the end of the day, the best option for replacing your teeth depends on your unique situation. 

A person missing all their teeth will need a different solution than someone only missing a few of their teeth. 

That said, let’s go through some great ways to replace teeth in a few different circumstances. At the end of the day, it’s best to talk to your dentist about what’s best for you and come up with a solution together.


Veneers are a common solution when it comes to upgrading your smile. They’re an easy way to correct missing parts of your teeth in a way that keeps your smile intact and protects the teeth that are already there. 

In short, veneers are shells that are made with materials that resemble teeth. These shells are bonded to the surface of small, broken, misaligned, or decayed teeth to enhance their appearance.

Different Types of Veneers

There are two main types of veneers: porcelain and composite. Porcelain veneers are made in a lab to specifically fit and cover your tooth. They’re resistant to staining and work well with your gums. After taking a molding of your tooth and preparing a perfect porcelain shell that matches your teeth’s color, the doctor will bond the veneer to the tooth, and you have a tooth that looks brand new. 

Composite veneers are a quicker solution. Part of your tooth structure gets ground away and then the composite material is placed on your tooth and formed into the correct shape. This provides a cheaper, quicker solution, but they aren’t quite as durable as porcelain veneers.

Who Are Veneers Right For?

Veneers are a great solution for people who have missing parts of their teeth but still have some healthy tooth structure left. But if you have teeth that are entirely gone, you’re going to need a different solution.


Another great solution for replacing missing teeth is a dental bridge. As the name implies, bridges bridge the gap between your teeth. So if you’re missing one or more teeth, a bridge can fill that gap to make it look like it’s not even there.

Types of Bridges

You have a couple of options to choose from if you’re going with a bridge. Fixed bridges cannot be removed. They anchor into the adjacent teeth with crowns and function as regular teeth do. No need to remove it for cleaning, just enjoy the feeling of having teeth. 

Resin-bonded bridges are slightly different. They’re meant for front teeth as opposed to teeth that are used for heavy chewing. They are attached to your existing teeth with wings. They’re not as durable, but they look pretty and are great for smiling.

Who Should Get a Bridge?

Bridges are a great option for people who only need a few teeth replaced. If you’re missing a few teeth in a row, a bridge can help fill the gap in an easy way that makes it feel like you never lost your teeth at all.

Anchored Dentures

Anchored dentures are an incredibly innovative modern solution when it comes to replacing teeth. We all know that dentures are a set of removable teeth. They look and function like regular teeth. They might be used in a joking way in a lot of popular media, but they’re a very important treatment for missing teeth. 

But regular dentures do come with some problems. They can slip and slide around inside your mouth, making them somewhat difficult to use. Also, without any teeth inside of your gums, your jaw and gum health can suffer, and regular dentures don’t do anything to help prevent that. 

On the other hand, anchored dentures like those offered at Renew work to improve the problems that normal dentures pose by incorporating dental implants. The dental implants work to maintain the health of your jaw and gums while providing extra security for your denture. Renew is the only provider of the SureSnap Stabilization System, which uses implants as an anchor for your dentures.

This means that you can snap your dentures in and out with ease — it fixes your dentures in place so they don’t shift around, but they quickly snap out for easy cleaning. It’s the best of both worlds, and it provides you with the full, healthy, beautiful smile that you deserve.

Who Should Get Anchored Dentures?

Anchored dentures are a solution for people who require total tooth replacement. Veneers or bridges are good for people who still have some teeth left, but if you don’t have any teeth, anchored dentures are the right move for you. 

A New Smile for a New You

Now you know some of the best options available for giving you an outstanding smile. Whether you have a chipped tooth, are missing a few teeth, or are missing all of your teeth, there are solutions available for your smile. 

For more information about the health of your teeth and anchored dentures, check out Renew


Dental Bridges: Who Needs Them, Types, Costs, Procedure & Care Issues | Cleveland Clinic 

Frequently Asked Questions about Dental Veneers | American College of Prosthodontists

Implant Supported Dentures: Process, Benefits & Care | Cleveland Clinic